Bringing Interactivity into the Church!

Blogs, Forums, Profiles

Take a good look at this site. Notice the Who's online block below? What about the Community Blogs?

Everytime a member or guest visits your site, they'll see that your site is current and active. Most of all, they'll see that other members of your church are there too. Add some tools like a personal profile, a personal blog, a forum, and the ability to interact with other members and you've got discipleship and fellowship that lasts all week long. It's all on the private side of your site.

It's secure. You control who can get in and interact. If you haven't provided them a login, then they can't get in.
Plus you control what features you want on your site. Not interested in a private church chat room? No problem. As the administrator, you can turn it off.

Did you know that sites get more hits per day than It's because interactivity, relationship, and community are where it's at. Give MyFlock a try in your ministry. Use these types of tools in a way that honors God. Your members will thank you and God will smile knowing your enhancing your ministry.

Free trial here.

Now integrated with Facebook!